Enlist Opportunity

Kilt Farm Logo


Starting from Scratch
You are a start-up company and need to create new logo designs. It is vital that your logo is distinct and personifies your brand promise to identify your goods or services. Your new identity design must be unique to differentiate your brand from the competition. Strange Bird Designs creates new logo designs to speak directly to your target audience.

Logo Design Update / Refresh
Your current logo design appears dated or the company promise changed from the original identity design. Strange Bird Deigns can professionally update your existing logo design presentation without losing the established connection to your existing customers. A logo refresh can invest new vigor to your branding identity and marketing efforts – increasing your customer bonds and expanding your customer base.

Brand Designs With Lift
Our creative agency philosophy is to achieve our client’s goals from a lofty approach. Like birds, we do not rely on predetermined paths. We soar above our competition in setting a direct flight to our destination. Strange Bird Designs strives to deliver creative graphic design, advertising, and marketing solutions with “Lift.”

Your brand must be clearly seen, understood, and recognized throughout every business activity. Strange Bird Designs is a professional graphic design and digital agency creating lasting impressions within genuinely positive experiences to keep your brand top-of-mind with your customers.

Review logo designs successfully anchoring Brand Identity System projects within our Strange Bird Designs portfolio.

Logo – Brand – Identity – Logotype – it can become quite confusing. Take a deeper dive into the history and terminology comprising Logo.